Oct 08
Part 25 of the “Occupational Hazards” Story Arc.
Happy Halloween, folks!
As you can see, this comic sort of correlates to the general storyline. Plus, it’s a little homage to the times when Lindsey, Jen, and Chris visit Christian haunted houses.
I’m thinking that next week I’ll post some Presidential Election-based comics, but who knows. It’s going to be a busy weekend.
Be good this weekend!
Oct 08
Here’s a blast from the past: Jimmy the Voice of Indifference and Apathy. Another Halloween comic tomorrow, and it pertains more to the “Occupational Hazards” storyline.
If you want to see more Halloween comics of mine, check out this. Ah, those also bring me back!
Oct 06
Happy Halloween! Tomorrow, on actual Halloween, I’ll post another spook-tacular comic.In terms of updating on a regular basis, midterms are pretty much done, and I’ve almost recovered from the flu. In other words, with school and these mortal curses out of the way, I should be able to update regularly.