Oct 08
Here’s a blast from the past: Jimmy the Voice of Indifference and Apathy. Another Halloween comic tomorrow, and it pertains more to the “Occupational Hazards” storyline.
If you want to see more Halloween comics of mine, check out this. Ah, those also bring me back!
Sep 07
Part 14 of the “Occupational Hazards” Story Arc.
I’ve been meaning to put this specific comic up for at least two weeks, but I was trying to save it so I can release at least a full week of comics. I’ve been pretty uninspired lately, but I am the midst of inking a comic I hope I’ll publish tomorrow.
Anyhoo, so here’s a new comic — continuing from
over a month ago.
If there’s one thing that I find funny on a personal level, it’s mental health. And honestly, if Third Eye Blind’s “Jumper” can’t prevent you from committing suicide, you might as well kill yourself.
Oct 05
It was incredibly fun to draw and photoshop this comic. It also demonstrates exactly how old Nigel and Randy are… then again, they are supposed to be timeless and immortal.
Sep 05
Another one of my favorite comics. And if you check out my Facebook Account, you can see the second panel as my profile pic!
May 05
This was around the time when Pope John Paul II and comedian Mitch Hedberg passed away.
Lastly, it’s really cool that Death likes to play the PS2 and has pigtails.
Apr 05
Day of Silence advocates gay rights and tolerance, and it’s pretty self-explanatory. As the name implies, supporters refuse to speak in order to symbolize the silencing of LGBT students and their rights.
Around campus here, supporters set up a few stands on the Quad. As always there are the conservative, Christian Right who protest and harass the supporters. In this comic, I wanted to both support the homosexual lifestyle while poking fun at conservatives.