Mar 04


We had heavy, inexplicable snow storms in March, and most students had midterms.

Mar 04

Interlude: Time Machine.

A quick interlude during the Rules of Attraction storyline, whose origial run started in February 2004.

Anyway, all the DI artists and I collaborated on a single theme that day, and we all had to include the line, “We’re going back…! …To the future, Marty!”

Here are the rest of the cartoonists’ Back to the Future comics:

Matt Vroom’s “I Hate Pam”

Pat Doran’s “The Way Life Should Be”

Matt Yurkanin’s “Thoughtless”

Feb 04


Drawn during the last season of “Friends,” when it was still on Must-See-Tv Thursday.

Feb 04

The Typical Spending Habits of Duder the Stereotypical Frat Boy.

“My unborn fetus craves UV!”

Spoof of those credit card commercials. Like that hasn’t been done before.

Feb 04

Cleaver of Meats (or How I Killed Matt Vroom).

A lot of Asians on campus (and, unbelievably, across the nation) were outraged by Matt Vroom’s comic from the Comic Wars. I personally didn’t have a problem with it (and neither did my Chinese editor), but I was asked to draw this comic to — from what I can surmise — trivialize how superfluous the situation was; it’ll show that Vroom and I are, in fact, friends.

It’s okay, though, I saved a lot of money by switching my insurance to Geico. I also had Subway for lunch.

Dec 03

Sausage-Fest Character Profiles #2.

Character profiles on the rest of the roommates.

Nov 03

This Is Why They Can’t Get Along.

Being chased by engineers and killer robots is situation you never want to put yourself in.

Oct 03

Halloween Tips.

It’s a proven fact that a lot of college students dress up in ridiculous costumes and go out to Halloween parties.

On a less ridiculous but all too redundant note, why do college girls always dress up as a cat for Halloween? When I saw “The Office” Halloween episode in 2005, I couldn’t stop laughing when all the females came to work dressed up as cats.

Oct 03

A Ghost Story: Part 3.

Rut the ruck?

It was a quick and trite storyline that I needed to wrap up before my special Halloween comic. Like most “Scooby Doo” episodes, there was always a hackneyed ending where the gang unmasked the fake monster. In this case, it was Matt Vroom of “I Hate Pam”. Of course, in this ending, Jill used Scooby as a bat (subsequently killing him).

Oct 03

A Ghost Story: Part 2.

Ah, Halloween! I tried to stick several pop culture references in this comic, from Scooby Doo and Friday the 13th.

Furthermore, The Ring (or was it The Ring 2?) was popular back then, and I wanted to include that, too. After all, girls with long bangs are pretty popular. They look like Cousin It.

Copyright © 2024 Phillip Retuta