Mar 0412
Mar 0404
Mar 04Interlude: Time Machine.
A quick interlude during the Rules of Attraction storyline, whose origial run started in February 2004.
Anyway, all the DI artists and I collaborated on a single theme that day, and we all had to include the line, “We’re going back…! …To the future, Marty!”
Here are the rest of the cartoonists’ Back to the Future comics:
Feb 0412
Feb 0411
Feb 04The Typical Spending Habits of Duder the Stereotypical Frat Boy.
“My unborn fetus craves UV!”
Spoof of those credit card commercials. Like that hasn’t been done before.
Feb 04And So Begins the Comic Wars…
Ah, the infamous comic wars that lauched the Daily Illini comics into — well — infamy. My comic buddies and I decided to have a little, week-long collaboration where we’d just poke fun at each other.
You can see Matt Vroom’s comic on the Daily Illini site.
Jan 04Kyle the Duck and the Booze-Monkey.
You never know what bartenders are doing behind the bar, so be sure to treat them nicely and to tip them properly.