May 04

College Milestones.

I never did reach any of these milestones. In fact, I died three days before turning 21. Shot by the mafia.

Apr 04

Pizza in the Morning, Pizza in the Evening, Pizza at Suppertime.

Seriously, what is it with college kids, beer, and pizza? And we wonder why overweight people is a problem in America.

Apr 04

Frighteningly True Stories: Volume 4.

On the night of my 21st birthday party, my friends Jeffro and ZCC said they’ll help clean up my apartment. They did not.

Apr 04

Too Lazy To Make a Comic.

That weekend, my friends celebrated my 21st birthday. You know how it goes… ya get lazy.

Apr 04

Happy Moms’ Weekend!

Moms’ Weekend is a yearly event where students’ mothers come down to campus and (for the most part) get drunk with their kids. Alcohol bridges the great age divide…

Apr 04

Things to Do When You Graduate and You’re Still Unemployed.

People don’t think about it, but after graduation is scary. This comic serves as a reminder, as well as stuff this comic with as many characters as possible.

Apr 04

Indie Rawk Jeffro Versus Caitlin the Psycho-Bitch Ex-Girlfriend.

The entire dialogue was based on an insult made by Winston Churchill.

Apr 04

Sausage-Fest, I Hate Pam Style.

Well, if you were too lazy to click any of yesterday’s links, you can see what Matt Vroom did for my comic.

Mar 04

Spring Break Recap.

This is where I revamped Chris’s character design: I gave him a hat and black hair…. I guess to match me more.

Mar 04

College Survival Tips: Spring Break Edition.

I never went anywhere for Spring Break. Instead, I wrote cynical and sarcastic comics about Spring Breakers.

Copyright © 2024 Phillip Retuta