Apr 04
Anyone else find it incredibly ironic that Caffeinated Tim is telling Aaron that
he has a drug problem? Oh, the layers of comedy!
Apr 04
Seriously, what is it with college kids, beer, and pizza? And we wonder why overweight people is a problem in America.
Apr 04
People don’t think about it, but after graduation is scary. This comic serves as a reminder, as well as stuff this comic with as many characters as possible.
Mar 04
Potential Jay Leno headline?
Feb 04
Drawn during the last season of “Friends,” when it was still on Must-See-Tv Thursday.
Dec 03
End of the semester cliffhanger: I pretend to kill off all my characters. And there’s nothing better to say Happy Holidays than by exploding people.
Dec 03
Another short storyline. I realize I haven’t used Joe Stalin that much as a character, but that can change at any time.
Dec 03
Character profiles on the rest of the roommates.