Apr 05
The second panel features characters from Daily Illini cartooists who once graced the paper: (from left) Joe Martin’s “Boy,” Jacob Angel and Oliver Chang’s “Best Friends Club,” Paige Dickinson’s “Playing with Plastic,” and Matt Vroom’s “I Hate Pam.”
Vroom was infamous for the “Jew Nose” comic that sparked a lot of controversy not only in Champaign-Urbana, but the nation as well.
Apr 05
All senior engineering students have to design and work on a final project. They often have a company sponsor their final projects.
Also, for your information, LAS stands for “Liberal Arts and Sciences,” and LAS majors remain rivals to engineering students.
I also must reiterate that I like the word “amok.”
Apr 05
Smashtastic Destructo-Bot was first introduced (or constructed) here, during the “Rules of Attraction” storyline.
Oh, and it wasn’t the final storyline; just the last one of the school year.
Apr 05
This year for April Fool’s Day, the other cartoonists and I decided to make some Mad Lib comics. Make up your own adventure, I guess.
Nov 04
After the election, I was not at all surprised that a lot of people on my buddy list posted their reactions on their away messages. My friend Nicole (who plays Death) had on her away message: “everybody just cool out. i’m sure bush is really upset you’re being mean to him in your AWAY MESSAGE.”
Oct 04
Distortion is an Indie Musician’s best friend.
Sep 04
Yes, LJs (much less technology) didn’t exist during most of these times, but if they existed… we would coin the term “emo” a looooong time ago.
Sep 04
One of the more popular comics, because well, this comic speaks the truth about the inanity of AIM profiles.