Mar 04
The premiere of Random Chicken, the chicken who appears randomly for no reason whatsoever!The disembodied voice crying “The box! Go for the box!” is a reference to the great Weird Al Yankovic movie, UHF.
Feb 04
“My unborn fetus craves UV!”
Spoof of those credit card commercials. Like that hasn’t been done before.
Feb 04
Originally, the immediate day after the explosive deaths of all our characters, we were going to fill the comic page with
“Felicity’s Way” comics. However, because of scheduling conflicts and a lot of controversy surrounding
this comic, the finale (or rather final punchline) of the Comic Wars never came through.
It’s all gravy, however. The Comic Wars were funtastic.
Dec 03
End of the semester cliffhanger: I pretend to kill off all my characters. And there’s nothing better to say Happy Holidays than by exploding people.
Dec 03
Inspired by Bill Watterson of “Calvin and Hobbes.”
Oct 03
Rut the ruck?
It was a quick and trite storyline that I needed to wrap up before my special Halloween comic. Like most “Scooby Doo” episodes, there was always a hackneyed ending where the gang unmasked the fake monster. In this case, it was Matt Vroom of “I Hate Pam”. Of course, in this ending, Jill used Scooby as a bat (subsequently killing him).
Oct 03
I had a Molecular & Cellular Biology test that day…
Sep 03
The “Too Lazy To Work” series are pre-planned strips just in case I’m too busy to draw a new one. In my opinion, they’re pretty funny in itself. Simplicity can be great.
Sep 03
University of Illinois’ McKinley Health Center isn’t all that great. Their healthcare is subpar, but they do provide free condoms.
Later, I redrew Death as a sexy, punk-goth chick.