Oct 0422
Sep 04If AIM Profiles Ruled the World.
One of the more popular comics, because well, this comic speaks the truth about the inanity of AIM profiles.
Sep 04Alma Mater’s Time of the Month.
Jun 04Father’s Day Cards!
Much like the Valentine’s Day Cards, I created some for Father’s Day. And, for your information, “The Silver Bullet” is an infamous strip club here in Champaign-Urbana.
May 04College Milestones.
I never did reach any of these milestones. In fact, I died three days before turning 21. Shot by the mafia.
Apr 04Caroline is a Bitch.
Caroline wanted to do a comic for me, which meant taking the day before’s comic and rewording it. And yes, the last panel is a Super Troopers quote.
Feb 0410
Feb 04Cleaver of Meats (or How I Killed Matt Vroom).
A lot of Asians on campus (and, unbelievably, across the nation) were outraged by Matt Vroom’s comic from the Comic Wars. I personally didn’t have a problem with it (and neither did my Chinese editor), but I was asked to draw this comic to — from what I can surmise — trivialize how superfluous the situation was; it’ll show that Vroom and I are, in fact, friends.
It’s okay, though, I saved a lot of money by switching my insurance to Geico. I also had Subway for lunch.
Feb 04All-Out Comic War.
Originally, the immediate day after the explosive deaths of all our characters, we were going to fill the comic page with “Felicity’s Way” comics. However, because of scheduling conflicts and a lot of controversy surrounding this comic, the finale (or rather final punchline) of the Comic Wars never came through.
It’s all gravy, however. The Comic Wars were funtastic.