Feb 04
Feb 04

All-Out Comic War.

Originally, the immediate day after the explosive deaths of all our characters, we were going to fill the comic page with “Felicity’s Way” comics. However, because of scheduling conflicts and a lot of controversy surrounding this comic, the finale (or rather final punchline) of the Comic Wars never came through.

It’s all gravy, however. The Comic Wars were funtastic.

Jan 04

Kyle the Duck and the Booze-Monkey.

You never know what bartenders are doing behind the bar, so be sure to treat them nicely and to tip them properly.

Dec 03

Guys, We Need to Talk.

End of the semester cliffhanger: I pretend to kill off all my characters. And there’s nothing better to say Happy Holidays than by exploding people.

Dec 03

Kyle the Duck.

The formal introduction of Kyle the Duck since his first appearance in “The Engineering Saga”. This comic also exhibits Kyle’s demeanor.

Nov 03

Sausage-Fest Character Profiles #1.

Character profiles on three characters: Lizzy, Kyle the Duck, and Mike.

Nov 03

This Is Why They Can’t Get Along.

Being chased by engineers and killer robots is situation you never want to put yourself in.

Nov 03

Ducks and Dusty.

The formal introduction of Kyle the Duck and Dusty, both of whom play important roles in future events.

And yes, U of I does offer something called “Duck Engineering.”

Copyright © 2024 Phillip Retuta