Jun 04

Practical Advice from Nigel & Randy: Volume 1.

Get published by sending your questions to Nigel and Randy!

Jun 04

4 Types of Summer Season Animals.

There really are 4 types of students during summer vacation; I’m the 4th.

Apr 04

Pizza in the Morning, Pizza in the Evening, Pizza at Suppertime.

Seriously, what is it with college kids, beer, and pizza? And we wonder why overweight people is a problem in America.

Apr 04

Frighteningly True Stories: Volume 4.

On the night of my 21st birthday party, my friends Jeffro and ZCC said they’ll help clean up my apartment. They did not.

Mar 04

March Madness.

March Madness: a serious mental health problem.

Feb 04

The Typical Spending Habits of Duder the Stereotypical Frat Boy.

“My unborn fetus craves UV!”

Spoof of those credit card commercials. Like that hasn’t been done before.

Feb 04

All-Out Comic War.

Originally, the immediate day after the explosive deaths of all our characters, we were going to fill the comic page with “Felicity’s Way” comics. However, because of scheduling conflicts and a lot of controversy surrounding this comic, the finale (or rather final punchline) of the Comic Wars never came through.

It’s all gravy, however. The Comic Wars were funtastic.

Jan 04

Kyle the Duck and the Booze-Monkey.

You never know what bartenders are doing behind the bar, so be sure to treat them nicely and to tip them properly.

Dec 03

College Survival Tips: Volume 4.

The informal introduction of Caitline the Psycho-Bitc Ex-Girlfriend.

Dec 03

Phil is Too Lazy to Put Effort His Work Day: Volume 3.

Inspired by Bill Watterson of “Calvin and Hobbes.”

Copyright © 2024 Phillip Retuta