Apr 06
I really want to take a trip to Britain and see if the customs I’ve listed here really are true. For instance, I want to know — and this is an open question to anyone from across the Atlantic or just knows their stuff on British culture — if they celebrate their 18th birthdays like Americans celebrate their 21st birthdays.
Of course, we all know that Brit Pop Rock is grossly overrated. Now, if you excuse me, I’m going to finish listening to my Tom Vek and Bloc Party CDs…
Apr 06
Chris’ character, since the beginning, has been pretty naive, passive, and spineless. In this comic, I wanted to give him a backbone, which proves that he has grown as a character.
Lizzy’s dance movements was challenging to draw, so I modelled her body structure after a few photographs of people dancing. How I love Flickr.
Mar 06
I always say you can’t have a proper storyline without Duder the Stereotypical Frat Boy. The mention of VD Chalmers is a spoof of CO Daniels (my ex-employers at the DI prohibited me from using the official names of real bars), a local Champaign-Urbana bar that caters to idiot freshmen and skanky Greeks.
Oh, and keep watch for site changes; I’m adding a few spiffy graphics to the pages.
Feb 06
Happy Valentine’s Day, people!
Dec 05
Ah, the last comic to be published in the Daily Illini. If I knew this was it, I would have gone out a bit more gracefully. Oh well.
Dec 05
UI Facebookers, check it out.