Sep 04Alma Mater’s Time of the Month.
Aug 04A Simple Greeting From Your Friends at SausageFest.
During the first days of moving back to U of I, I went to the nearby grocery store. Everywhere I turned, I saw blue and orange Chief Illiniwek/Illini gear. Does everybody have to know that you/your offspring go to school here? It’s not like we knew otherwise….
School pride. Go figure.
May 04Pulling Out All The Punches.
The last comic of my first year. A summation of everything college, I suppose.
May 04Studying for Finals.
Another colored comic! Seriously, though, students do almost anything not to study for finals.
Apr 04Black on Black.
Parking in Urbana-Champaign, particularly within campus limits, is not only hard to find, but the parking police are real assmunches. They’ll ticket you if you’re a minute late, and the police amount over a million dollars a year in parking tickets. Pays for their donuts, I guess.
Apr 04Happy Moms’ Weekend!
Moms’ Weekend is a yearly event where students’ mothers come down to campus and (for the most part) get drunk with their kids. Alcohol bridges the great age divide…
Apr 04Tasks of the O.A.R. Ninja, Muscle of the Office of Admissions and Records.
The Office and Admissions Record Ninja is a fun character, and I feel I under-utilized her this semester.
Notes: Lincoln Hall is lecture hall that’s literally falling apart and is in desperate need of repair. UI-Integrate system is the way students register for classes; at first, it was confusing to use. Parkland is a local community college near U of I.