Oct 05
Oct 05
Oct 05
Sep 05

Guns. Save. Life. (But. Kill. Squirrels.)

Just a random idea. The title is inspired by a series of signs (Guns. Save. Life. — poor grammar in my opinion) along Interstate 57 North that promote the use of firearms.

Aug 05

How I Spent My Summer Vacation.

So it begins again… The comic is pretty self-explanatory — and it’s all true!

May 05

Hollaback Girl.

Car beats squirrel.
Toilet beats toilet paper.
Fetal Alcohol Syndrom beats fetus.
Factory hot dog processing machine beats raccoon.
Rock beats scissors.
But nothing beats banana!

Any reincarnation of ZCC will have the trademark hair curl.

Apr 05

It’s Like A Little Comic Reunion.

The second panel features characters from Daily Illini cartooists who once graced the paper: (from left) Joe Martin’s “Boy,” Jacob Angel and Oliver Chang’s “Best Friends Club,” Paige Dickinson’s “Playing with Plastic,” and Matt Vroom’s “I Hate Pam.”

Vroom was infamous for the “Jew Nose” comic that sparked a lot of controversy not only in Champaign-Urbana, but the nation as well.

Apr 05

I Like the Word “Amok.”

All senior engineering students have to design and work on a final project. They often have a company sponsor their final projects.

Also, for your information, LAS stands for “Liberal Arts and Sciences,” and LAS majors remain rivals to engineering students.

I also must reiterate that I like the word “amok.”

Apr 05

Support Day of Silence.

Day of Silence advocates gay rights and tolerance, and it’s pretty self-explanatory. As the name implies, supporters refuse to speak in order to symbolize the silencing of LGBT students and their rights.

Around campus here, supporters set up a few stands on the Quad. As always there are the conservative, Christian Right who protest and harass the supporters. In this comic, I wanted to both support the homosexual lifestyle while poking fun at conservatives.

Mar 05

Copyright © 2024 Phillip Retuta