Sep 04Sticky Floors and Sticky Women.
For those of you who don’t know what Kam’s is, it’s a sleazy campus bar that attracts all naive freshmen, slutty sorority girls, and dickweed frat doods. They charge you up the ass for a simple cover, and it’s hot and crowded bar area resembles a meat-packing plant that pumps out crappy top-40 hits.
I actually never been there until late in my senior year, and it was a very traumitizing experience… I took multiple showers afterwards to scrub the filth and shame off me. To this day, my night at Kam’s is a tender subject with my psychiatrist.
Aug 0402
Jul 04As Political As This Comic Will Get.
Drawn for Fourth of July. In retrospect, despite the title, I have gotten a little more political in some of my comics.
Jun 04That Guy Who’s Always In Front of Best Buy.
I honestly get hurt if I don’t get my greeting when I enter Best Buy.
May 04Taking Ideas from Other Comics.
It’s sad that no one really got the “Felicity’s Way” joke. Oh well.
Of the comics I spoofed (if you haven’t noticed already): “Dilbert”, “Peanuts”, “Love Is..”, and “The Boondocks.” And is it me, or did they pull “The Boondocks” out of the Chicago Tribune?
Apr 04Alcohol is Also Your Anti-Drug.
Anyone else find it incredibly ironic that Caffeinated Tim is telling Aaron that he has a drug problem? Oh, the layers of comedy!
Apr 04Caroline is a Bitch.
Caroline wanted to do a comic for me, which meant taking the day before’s comic and rewording it. And yes, the last panel is a Super Troopers quote.
Apr 04Captain Planet (Amanda Beltramini Wrote This Comic).
I never could understand how “Heart” can be special power. Then again, I never could understand Captain Planet’s mullet.
Apr 04Black on Black.
Parking in Urbana-Champaign, particularly within campus limits, is not only hard to find, but the parking police are real assmunches. They’ll ticket you if you’re a minute late, and the police amount over a million dollars a year in parking tickets. Pays for their donuts, I guess.