Oct 04

I Just Watched Saved.

Inspired by the movie Saved!. Also inspired by my youth.

Sep 04

Sticky Floors and Sticky Women.

For those of you who don’t know what Kam’s is, it’s a sleazy campus bar that attracts all naive freshmen, slutty sorority girls, and dickweed frat doods. They charge you up the ass for a simple cover, and it’s hot and crowded bar area resembles a meat-packing plant that pumps out crappy top-40 hits.

I actually never been there until late in my senior year, and it was a very traumitizing experience… I took multiple showers afterwards to scrub the filth and shame off me. To this day, my night at Kam’s is a tender subject with my psychiatrist.

Aug 04

Romeo and Juliet… PUNK’D!

I mean, it’s the perfect prank!

Jul 04

As Political As This Comic Will Get.

Drawn for Fourth of July. In retrospect, despite the title, I have gotten a little more political in some of my comics.

Jun 04

That Guy Who’s Always In Front of Best Buy.

I honestly get hurt if I don’t get my greeting when I enter Best Buy.

May 04

Taking Ideas from Other Comics.

It’s sad that no one really got the “Felicity’s Way” joke. Oh well.

Of the comics I spoofed (if you haven’t noticed already): “Dilbert”, “Peanuts”, “Love Is..”, and “The Boondocks.” And is it me, or did they pull “The Boondocks” out of the Chicago Tribune?

Apr 04

Alcohol is Also Your Anti-Drug.

Anyone else find it incredibly ironic that Caffeinated Tim is telling Aaron that he has a drug problem? Oh, the layers of comedy!

Apr 04

Caroline is a Bitch.

Caroline wanted to do a comic for me, which meant taking the day before’s comic and rewording it. And yes, the last panel is a Super Troopers quote.

Apr 04

Captain Planet (Amanda Beltramini Wrote This Comic).

I never could understand how “Heart” can be special power. Then again, I never could understand Captain Planet’s mullet.

Apr 04

Black on Black.

Parking in Urbana-Champaign, particularly within campus limits, is not only hard to find, but the parking police are real assmunches. They’ll ticket you if you’re a minute late, and the police amount over a million dollars a year in parking tickets. Pays for their donuts, I guess.

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