May 04
The last comic of my first year. A summation of everything college, I suppose.
Mar 04
Chief Illiniwek… discrimination or not? Oh, the politics!
Feb 04
A lot of Asians on campus (and, unbelievably, across the nation) were outraged by
Matt Vroom’s comic from the Comic Wars. I personally didn’t have a problem with it (and neither did my Chinese editor), but I was asked to draw this comic to — from what I can surmise — trivialize how superfluous the situation was; it’ll show that Vroom and I are, in fact, friends.
It’s okay, though, I saved a lot of money by switching my insurance to Geico. I also had Subway for lunch.
Feb 04
I asked the other cartoonists to draw their characters nude for me. They were more than willing to oblige. Low blow, low brow comic if you ask me, but the masses seemed to enjoy it.
Jan 04
You never know what bartenders are doing behind the bar, so be sure to treat them nicely and to tip them properly.
Nov 03
Getting eaten by a white whale: a total cop-out ending, but hey, whatever. At least Dusty is spared.
Nov 03
Being chased by engineers and killer robots is situation you never want to put yourself in.
Nov 03
A quickie comic. Anyway, ACES is a not-so-difficult major here at Illinois. EOH stands for the Engineering Open House, where engineering students showcase their work and invite prospective high school students to campus. Boneyard Creek is a small stream that runs through the campus, and apparently engineering students have to calculate the flow of its water.
Nov 03
I’ve done my research when it came to writing this storyline, and all of the facts are real (well, maybe except the soul stuff).
And I couldn’t help but put in a Monty Python reference…