Jul 04
Swords is a stupid, drunk frat-boy-esque game. I admit, I played it once, and since then I’ve had penis envy — which, by the way, is one of the 7 deadly sins.
Jun 04
Much like the
Valentine’s Day Cards, I created some for Father’s Day. And, for your information, “The Silver Bullet” is an infamous strip club here in Champaign-Urbana.
Jun 04
Everyone needs a summer gimmick…
May 04
It’s sad that no one really got the
“Felicity’s Way” joke. Oh well.
Of the comics I spoofed (if you haven’t noticed already): “Dilbert”, “Peanuts”, “Love Is..”, and “The Boondocks.” And is it me, or did they pull “The Boondocks” out of the Chicago Tribune?
Apr 04
Will Kelly ever take off her S&M mask? Only time will tell…
Mar 04
This remains one of the more popular comics because, seriously, who hasn’t heard their neighbor having sex?
Mar 04
This is where I revamped Chris’s character design: I gave him a hat and black hair…. I guess to match me more.
Mar 04
I never went anywhere for Spring Break. Instead, I wrote cynical and sarcastic comics about Spring Breakers.
Feb 04
“My unborn fetus craves UV!”
Spoof of those credit card commercials. Like that hasn’t been done before.
Feb 04
I asked the other cartoonists to draw their characters nude for me. They were more than willing to oblige. Low blow, low brow comic if you ask me, but the masses seemed to enjoy it.