Apr 05
All senior engineering students have to design and work on a final project. They often have a company sponsor their final projects.
Also, for your information, LAS stands for “Liberal Arts and Sciences,” and LAS majors remain rivals to engineering students.
I also must reiterate that I like the word “amok.”
Apr 05
Smashtastic Destructo-Bot was first introduced (or constructed) here, during the “Rules of Attraction” storyline.
Oh, and it wasn’t the final storyline; just the last one of the school year.
Oct 04
Dressing my characters in Halloween costumes is a yearly tradition.
Oct 04
I was running low on ideas and overwhelmed by midterms, so I asked a friend to write the dialogue for this comic. Worked well, I think.
Oct 04
Kyle is a duck. He can do anything.
Aug 04
Did anyone see the 2004 Summer Olympics?
Jul 04
It was bound to happen. After all, that Random Chicken sure is smug.
May 04
Restaurant servers on Cinco De Mayo seem so…. disinterested. And hey, another appearance from Random Chicken!
Apr 04
Seriously, what is it with college kids, beer, and pizza? And we wonder why overweight people is a problem in America.
Apr 04
Once you think about it, making people happy by shining a tummy-ray on them isn’t exactly a great superpower…