Jul 07
Part 6 of the “Occupational Hazards” Story Arc.
You know you can’t have a good and proper storyline without some sort of complication between the main character and his love interest. So there; some idea where this arc is heading.
Jul 07
Part 5 of the “Occupational Hazards” Story Arc.
Likewise, it’s been awhile since Duder made a formal appearance in the comic (although his Harem did appear sometime in early February). Plus, it was kind of hard to make Subway sandwiches even remotely sexual, but I feel I accomplished it here.
Jul 07
Part 4 of the “Occupational Hazards” Story Arc.
Being poor sucks, but what’s more blowful is having really over-protective parents. I remember back in high school, when I’d simply go out to Steak n’ Shake with my friends, my dad would warn me not “to do the ‘X'” (as in “ecstasy”) as he saw the dangers of teen drug abuse on 20/20. Furthermore, back in my younger, fashion-forward college freshman days, I’d wear a sweat-wristband, in which my dad warned, “kids wear those things to say, ‘Hey, I’m available for sex’!” Or so says Barbara Walters.
Feb 07
While stalking some of my creative writing friends on Facebook, I’ve noticed some really glaring spelling errors in their profiles. In the past, I’ve always thought that misspellings and typos were just limited to my one, creative writing major friend, Zach (what can I say, he was dropped as a child), but after reading other rhetoric majors’ written drafts as well as anything written on their MySpace/Livejournal/Facebook stuff, almost all of my creative writing friends aren’t the most accurate spellers. I suppose rhetoric classes are not about writing properly but rather how well you can incorporate the themes of sex, death, and/or depression into your work.