May 04
I never did reach any of these milestones. In fact, I died three days before turning 21. Shot by the mafia.
Apr 04
This comic is one of many that shows Jen working at a coffee shop. I suppose, being the level-headed of all the characters, it’s not unusual for her to have a normal job. Oh, and frat boys really do snort coke.
Apr 04
People don’t think about it, but after graduation is scary. This comic serves as a reminder, as well as stuff this comic with as many characters as possible.
Mar 04
This is where I revamped Chris’s character design: I gave him a hat and black hair…. I guess to match me more.
Mar 04
Drawn briefly after Britney Spears released her “Toxic” music video. Of course, who
doesn’t want to slap Britney Spears when she’s talking?
Mar 04
Another interlude to the
Rules of Attraction storyline. It is also the first appearance of John Wilkes Embryo, a very popular (albeit contraversial) character.
Dec 03
End of the semester cliffhanger: I pretend to kill off all my characters. And there’s nothing better to say Happy Holidays than by exploding people.
Dec 03
The squirrel, Booker T, is the comic character from Matt Yurkanin’s
Oct 03
It’s a proven fact that a lot of college students dress up in ridiculous costumes and go out to Halloween parties.
On a less ridiculous but all too redundant note, why do college girls always dress up as a cat for Halloween? When I saw “The Office” Halloween episode in 2005, I couldn’t stop laughing when all the females came to work dressed up as cats.