Dec 0405
Nov 044 Types of Political Attitudes in College.
It’s true: college students are either VERY liberal, moderately conservative, apathetic, or simply bored and disinterested.
Oct 0428
Oct 04Mike and Trick-Or-Treaters.
Two questions: do children ever go trick-or-treating around UIUC? And why does everyone seem to own that damned Belushi poster?
Oct 0430
Aug 04Punk’d!
Whatever did happen to “Punk’d,” by the way?
Aug 0416
Jul 04Nymphocycline.
Everything nowadays is calorie-free, carb-free, Atkins-friendly, and whatnot…. why not birth control? My friend Lindsey came up with “Nymphocycline.”
Jul 04Mary-Kate is a Sexy Twig.
I could see the Olson Twins turning into drug addicts; working with Bob Saget.
My favorite part of the comic: Chris’s reflection in the coffee. I think I executed that well.