May 05

Banana Splitsville.

Oh, the slapstick humor! The irony! Like I’ve always said, there’s nothing better than desecrating a cemetery with banana peels and broken robot parts.

May 05

Unexpected Terror!

My favorite part of drawing this comic was the rain and the soft glow it casts on everyone.

Oh, and the Smashtastic Destructo-Bot returns. Full circle, folks.

May 05

A Conversation with Death.

Who knew there’d be so many synonyms and aliases for The Grim Reaper?

Despite Death’s appearance here, I should note that he/she should not have a specific gender but merely exist as an androgynous entity. ZCC’s just, well, a pervert.

And the Amish are scary… Am I afraid to say that? No, BECAUSE THEY DON’T USE THE INTERNET! BWAHAHA!

Apr 05

A Completely Non-Sequitur April Fool’s Comic.

This year for April Fool’s Day, the other cartoonists and I decided to make some Mad Lib comics. Make up your own adventure, I guess.

Nov 04
Oct 04

Mike and Trick-Or-Treaters.

Two questions: do children ever go trick-or-treating around UIUC? And why does everyone seem to own that damned Belushi poster?

Feb 04

All-Out Comic War.

Originally, the immediate day after the explosive deaths of all our characters, we were going to fill the comic page with “Felicity’s Way” comics. However, because of scheduling conflicts and a lot of controversy surrounding this comic, the finale (or rather final punchline) of the Comic Wars never came through.

It’s all gravy, however. The Comic Wars were funtastic.

Feb 04

The Other Cartoonists.

I asked the other cartoonists to draw their characters nude for me. They were more than willing to oblige. Low blow, low brow comic if you ask me, but the masses seemed to enjoy it.

Feb 04

Poor, Dirty Hippy-Skater.

I had to photoshop Matt Yurkanin’s characters. Also, the resulting leakage of Yurk’s clogged toilet continues onto the very controversial “I Hate Pam” comic. Why the Daily Illini still has this comic up demonstrates their idiocy. Ooh, did I say that?

Jan 04

Frighteningly True Stories: Volume 2.

True story! Some random chick my friend Zach knew asked that very question. And the real Jeffro was passed out at the bar…

Copyright © 2024 Phillip Retuta