Jul 04

Kyle the Duck Versus a Random Chicken.

It was bound to happen. After all, that Random Chicken sure is smug.

Jun 04

4 Types of Summer Season Animals.

There really are 4 types of students during summer vacation; I’m the 4th.

May 04

Cannibalism/Dick Lick.

Restaurant servers on Cinco De Mayo seem so…. disinterested. And hey, another appearance from Random Chicken!

Apr 04

Care Bears?

Once you think about it, making people happy by shining a tummy-ray on them isn’t exactly a great superpower…

Mar 04

College Survival Tips: Spring Break Edition.

I never went anywhere for Spring Break. Instead, I wrote cynical and sarcastic comics about Spring Breakers.

Mar 04

When Squirrels Attack.

Potential Jay Leno headline?

Feb 04

All-Out Comic War.

Originally, the immediate day after the explosive deaths of all our characters, we were going to fill the comic page with “Felicity’s Way” comics. However, because of scheduling conflicts and a lot of controversy surrounding this comic, the finale (or rather final punchline) of the Comic Wars never came through.

It’s all gravy, however. The Comic Wars were funtastic.

Jan 04

Kyle the Duck and the Booze-Monkey.

You never know what bartenders are doing behind the bar, so be sure to treat them nicely and to tip them properly.

Jan 04

And That’s the Punchline.

So it was all a dream Chris had, including the entire cast exploding…I wanted to make “Felicity’s Way” to have a five-day run, but everyone was so upset and disgusted by the four comics, I had no choice but to bring back Sausage-Fest prematurely. Oh well, I had fun playing this practical joke on everyone, and every time I reread the “Felicity’s Way” comics, I crack up.

Jan 04


I really enjoyed drawing “Felicity’s Way” under the alias Felicity Mills… my bosses and the readers (most of them, that is) were not as amused. My editor told me to put Nigel and Randy, just to assure everyone that Sausage-Fest was coming back.

Copyright © 2024 Phillip Retuta