May 04
The last comic of my first year. A summation of everything college, I suppose.
Apr 04
Seriously, what is it with college kids, beer, and pizza? And we wonder why overweight people is a problem in America.
Mar 04
This is where I revamped Chris’s character design: I gave him a hat and black hair…. I guess to match me more.
Feb 04
A lot of Asians on campus (and, unbelievably, across the nation) were outraged by
Matt Vroom’s comic from the Comic Wars. I personally didn’t have a problem with it (and neither did my Chinese editor), but I was asked to draw this comic to — from what I can surmise — trivialize how superfluous the situation was; it’ll show that Vroom and I are, in fact, friends.
It’s okay, though, I saved a lot of money by switching my insurance to Geico. I also had Subway for lunch.
Oct 03
The drawing of Lizzy here depicts what she looks like in the rest of the comic strips; I think the difference between this one and yesterday’s are the shapes of the eyes and nose.
As for Nigel and Randy, I find Nigel’s use of “Goddammit” to be ironic — perhaps in some blasphemous way…
And what did ever happen to Kelly Osbourne?