May 04

Pulling Out All The Punches.

The last comic of my first year. A summation of everything college, I suppose.

Apr 04

Pizza in the Morning, Pizza in the Evening, Pizza at Suppertime.

Seriously, what is it with college kids, beer, and pizza? And we wonder why overweight people is a problem in America.

Mar 04

Spring Break Recap.

This is where I revamped Chris’s character design: I gave him a hat and black hair…. I guess to match me more.

Mar 04

4 Types of Spring-Breakers.

Which one are you?

Feb 04

Cleaver of Meats (or How I Killed Matt Vroom).

A lot of Asians on campus (and, unbelievably, across the nation) were outraged by Matt Vroom’s comic from the Comic Wars. I personally didn’t have a problem with it (and neither did my Chinese editor), but I was asked to draw this comic to — from what I can surmise — trivialize how superfluous the situation was; it’ll show that Vroom and I are, in fact, friends.

It’s okay, though, I saved a lot of money by switching my insurance to Geico. I also had Subway for lunch.

Oct 03

Nigel, Randy, and the Unattainable British Love Interest.

The drawing of Lizzy here depicts what she looks like in the rest of the comic strips; I think the difference between this one and yesterday’s are the shapes of the eyes and nose.

As for Nigel and Randy, I find Nigel’s use of “Goddammit” to be ironic — perhaps in some blasphemous way…

And what did ever happen to Kelly Osbourne?

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