Jul 07
Part 2 of the “Occupational Hazards” Story Arc.
Personally, I find those Head On commercials to be pretty goddamn annoying, but I find their advertising strategy to be effective. It’s like hypnotism, except without the act like a chicken part.In addition, the first panel includes a lot of references to past comics: Aaron’s bong as a decorative flower vase and the Xbox 360.
Also, if you haven’t noticed, I started using a different font for the comic’s text; “Comic Sans” was just getting stale. Anyhoo, I’d like to thank the good people at DaFont for providing the new font.
Mar 07
First of all, I’ve decided to place Photoshopped backgrounds in the comics again. It’s a lot easier (albeit tedious) than drawing out the backgrounds, and they appear a bit snazzier.Now, there’s one thing I have noticed every time I enter a computer lab: nearly everyone is looking at Facebook. I know from experience that it sucks to go to a full computer lab to print out a paper and have to wait for someone to get off a computer. However, what is more blowfully suckilicious is that about 75% of the people using the computers are looking at either Facebook or MySpace. Yes, I see you browsing Tammy’s picture album entitled “UnOfFiciAL 2007!” Yes, I see you messaging David asking how Saturday’s party went. But seriously people, some of us need to use the computers for more important things like papers and scat porn.
Feb 07
While stalking some of my creative writing friends on Facebook, I’ve noticed some really glaring spelling errors in their profiles. In the past, I’ve always thought that misspellings and typos were just limited to my one, creative writing major friend, Zach (what can I say, he was dropped as a child), but after reading other rhetoric majors’ written drafts as well as anything written on their MySpace/Livejournal/Facebook stuff, almost all of my creative writing friends aren’t the most accurate spellers. I suppose rhetoric classes are not about writing properly but rather how well you can incorporate the themes of sex, death, and/or depression into your work.
Dec 06
No, I’m not dead. I’m like the Jesus; I always come back.
Oct 06
Happy Halloween! Tomorrow, on actual Halloween, I’ll post another spook-tacular comic.In terms of updating on a regular basis, midterms are pretty much done, and I’ve almost recovered from the flu. In other words, with school and these mortal curses out of the way, I should be able to update regularly.
Oct 06
The last time Nigel and Randy were at Yurkanigan’s was when they had to deal with Jimmy the Voice of Indifference and Apathy. Coincidentally, Oakley Cupid — like Jimmy — is another metaphysical being that have crossed paths with Nigel and Randy.
Now, if you don’t know this or you’re just as dull and dim-witted as a rock, “Yurkanigan’s” is a cross between the restaurant chain, “Bennigan’s” and my old, DI comic buddy, Matt Yurkanin. He wrote the strip “Thoughtless” back in what I consider the “Golden Age” of Daily Illini comics. You can check out his old strips here at Collegiate Comics.
Jun 06
If you wanna grow in comedy, you have to take your shots at celebrities.
Jun 06
I’LL UPDATE WHENVEVER I WANT — which, luckily for you, is today. I’m continuing the whole “Oakley Cupid Introduction” story arc, starting with how Oakley lost his eye.
So what have I been doing during my unexpected absence? The usual, you know… drugs, sex, and marauding the streets with crowbars. I’ve also resumed working on the first official Sausage-Fest book, “Whiskey and Pills,” after my friend Allan kept asking me about it. It will definitely come out this late summer/fall since I have finally gathered all the comics I needed to include (for instance, the “Rules of Attraction” storyline). I’ve also decided to rework some of the material, like the cover and the written parts.
I’ve also drawn/pressed 7, 1-inch Sausage-Fest buttons. Now you can be stylish AND funny!
Once I get the store all set up, you can buy them for US$1.00 each or US$5.00 for all seven. More goodies, surprises, and news within the next following days, and I promise you, more art and comics!
May 06
Let’s ruin a beautiful moment.
Call it karma for Chris setting Lizzy on fire in the “Frat Party” storyline. And honestly, if this ever happened to you, do tell!
Oh yes… help get Sausage-Fest.com more traffic: the good people at College Humor have a link-swap program; the more people click this link, the higher the possibility new visitors will come to this page. Click! Click! Clique!