Apr 05

It’s Like A Little Comic Reunion.

The second panel features characters from Daily Illini cartooists who once graced the paper: (from left) Joe Martin’s “Boy,” Jacob Angel and Oliver Chang’s “Best Friends Club,” Paige Dickinson’s “Playing with Plastic,” and Matt Vroom’s “I Hate Pam.”

Vroom was infamous for the “Jew Nose” comic that sparked a lot of controversy not only in Champaign-Urbana, but the nation as well.

Apr 05

I Like the Word “Amok.”

All senior engineering students have to design and work on a final project. They often have a company sponsor their final projects.

Also, for your information, LAS stands for “Liberal Arts and Sciences,” and LAS majors remain rivals to engineering students.

I also must reiterate that I like the word “amok.”

Apr 05

Smashtastic Destructo-Bot.

Smashtastic Destructo-Bot was first introduced (or constructed) here, during the “Rules of Attraction” storyline.

Oh, and it wasn’t the final storyline; just the last one of the school year.

Apr 05

Pat Doran: My Love, My One and Only.

Pat Doran’s comic had been really lovesick lately.

And Dave Chen, my editor, really is a robot.

Mar 04
Dec 03

Interview with the Vampire Rocker.

The roommates conduct a series of interviews, of which include P.A.T. (of Pat Doran’s comic, “The Way Life Should Be”) and Dumbrella’s Red Robot.

Nov 03

Best Way to End a Storyline? Get Eaten by a Whale.

Getting eaten by a white whale: a total cop-out ending, but hey, whatever. At least Dusty is spared.

Nov 03

This Is Why They Can’t Get Along.

Being chased by engineers and killer robots is situation you never want to put yourself in.

Nov 03


A quickie comic. Anyway, ACES is a not-so-difficult major here at Illinois. EOH stands for the Engineering Open House, where engineering students showcase their work and invite prospective high school students to campus. Boneyard Creek is a small stream that runs through the campus, and apparently engineering students have to calculate the flow of its water.

Nov 03

Truth Be Told.

Just experimenting with photoshop. It wasn’t easy to manipulate the Grainger statue that sits in front of the library.

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