Mar 06
This comic marks the debut of Szyxgla, the East-European alternative to Lizzy the Unattainable British Love Interest. I wanted her name to be confusing and unpronouncible, but if you really want to know how to say it, it’s “SI-ZIX-GLA.”
Mar 06
I always say you can’t have a proper storyline without Duder the Stereotypical Frat Boy. The mention of VD Chalmers is a spoof of CO Daniels (my ex-employers at the DI prohibited me from using the official names of real bars), a local Champaign-Urbana bar that caters to idiot freshmen and skanky Greeks.
Oh, and keep watch for site changes; I’m adding a few spiffy graphics to the pages.
Mar 06
I cheated on this one; I used old stock images of some of the characters to produce this comic. Very “I Hate Pam”. This was also the very first appearance of Kyle’s Smashtastic Destructo-Bot, the killer senior engineering project who plays a pivotal role in “The End of the Road” story arc of Spring 2005.
Mar 06
The “Rules of Attraction” storyline is complete, making it the longest story arc I have ever written/drawn. After talking to Suz, I’ve decided to release one comic a day (Monday through Friday), which will give me a buffer-zone to draw up some new stuff. I guess you’ll just have to wait to see the conclusion… suspense, and all. Keep tuned in, however! There’s gonna be some changes — content-wise — to the site!
And keep commenting!
Sep 05
Go Go Power Rangers!All the roommates are featured in this comic — Aaron, Mike, Indie Rawk Jeffro, Kyle the Duck, ZCC, and Chris.
Aug 05
The chicken/bookstore stuff is a reference to this comic.
May 05
The Sausage-Fest crew gains a 6th roommate, ZCC. In later comics, however, ZCC’s face appears on the toaster; I love drawing his face, namely stippling in his beard.
And so ends year 2.
May 05
My favorite part of drawing this comic was the rain and the soft glow it casts on everyone.
Oh, and the Smashtastic Destructo-Bot returns. Full circle, folks.