Jun 06

Nigel, Interrupted.

If you wanna grow in comedy, you have to take your shots at celebrities.

May 06

Oakley Cupid.

Now in GIF format! While messing around with the file types, I found out that publishing the comics in GIF format essentially provides the same picture quality at a smaller size.Oakley Cupid is a spoof of Ok Cupid, that quiz/online dating site whom so many MySpacers, LJers, and Xangaists put their quiz results on their blogs. As you can see, I wanted Oakley to be a combination of both Nigel and Randy. Oakley is an angel like Nigel, but his occupation includes sex, passion, and temptation — things Randy would appreciate. Other sources of inspiration include the following:
Molotov Cocktease from “Venture Bros.”
Kurt Russell.
Golobulus from GI Joe: The Movie.

Eye-patches are sexy.

It wasn’t easy trying to draw the machine gun (I even had to do some firearm research in order to get the facts straight), and drawing all those little hearts strained my hand a bit. I’m not asking for pity, but a reasonable amount of money wouldn’t be bad.

May 06


Ah, but it’s definitely not the end! April Fools… in May!

This is simply a teaser of things to come, and I feel by revealing Caitlin as Lizzy’s roommate will only brew trouble for everyone. As you can see, not only does she lie to Lizzy, but Caitlin also set her up with Duder! It’s fun to make a character so deliciously evil.

What are Caitlin’s intentions and is everyone who comes in contact with her an unwilling pawn in her diabolical game of backgammon?

May 06

All’s Well That Ends Well.

As you can see, unlike Jeffro, Caitlin can take a punch or two. She’s virtually unharmed after this fight!

She’s evil and manipulative, and her intentions remain a mystery to everyone. Heck, even me, her creator!

Caitlin lights up a cigarette and, as Chris and a wounded Jeffro watch, walks towards the morning sun. A fitting ending, I feel, for what has been a really long and interesting story…

May 06

Duck Fucking.

I started this storyline over three years ago; I left the story unfinished midway through the Murphy’s Pub scenes. When I resumed drawing this story arc, I was forced to resort to Chris’s old design: brown-haired and with no hat. In this comic, however, I decided to use Chris’s current design with the hat.

Site-wise, the categories section is up and running. With the help of some awesome plugins by Hit or Miss and Polymorph, the categories are weighted just like Flickr Tags. Check it out!

May 06

Goodnight, Goodnight (Just a Dream).

I admit the dialogue was inspired by the last episode of “Cowboy Bebop.”

Indie Rawk Jeffro’s Indie Rawk Blog has been updated, so check it out. And let’s not forget this.

May 06

Every Kiss Begins with *Yurk*!

Let’s ruin a beautiful moment.

Call it karma for Chris setting Lizzy on fire in the “Frat Party” storyline. And honestly, if this ever happened to you, do tell!

Oh yes… help get Sausage-Fest.com more traffic: the good people at College Humor have a link-swap program; the more people click this link, the higher the possibility new visitors will come to this page. Click! Click! Clique!

May 06

Watch the Snow Fall.

I can honestly say that this is one of my favorite comics of mine. As opposed to the other comics, this one’s not that funny at all but rather endearing and sincere.

Drawing — or painting, in this case — the snow was a fun and interesting touch to the black negative space, and the minimal dialogue allowed more attention and focus to the actual art. In the last panel, I wanted to convey an environmental change (ie, the wind blowing the snow into a specific direction; pathetic fallacies and all), but I’m not sure if I did it right. Overall, though, I am deeply satisfied with this certain strip.

Now that this particular storyline is nearly complete and I am a busy person (despite my love of watching Cartoon Network for several consecutive hours and logging onto MySpace every 5 minutes), I’m going to reduce the number of new comics from everyday to Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. I promise you, though, the art and writing will be of the utmost calibre… and in two weeks, the new storyline “Love Is In The Air” will premiere!

Other news: Pat Doran’s “The Way Life Should Be” is back with its final, DI-run comics! And if that’s not cool enough, he officially launched his site! Check out the link!

Other other news: The Wings Gallery show went very well! You can check out some pictures of the night on my Flickr page!

May 06


We’re winding down on the storyline here but more than complicating Chris and Lizzy’s relationship. Heh, who knew I could get serious on this comic?

I’m starting to make Sausage-Fest.com promos, by the way:

And the show’s tomorrow!

May 06

Tying Up Loose Ends.

Again with the delays! What’s wrong with me? Anyway, it’s always fun to tie up loose ends. In other news, I — along with others — have a gallery opening this Thursday…

Grand Opening
7 pm – 9 pm
Thursday, May 4th
Wings Gallery
425 Fawell Blvd.
Glen Ellyn, IL 60137

The show runs through May 2006, and I’ll be showcasing a lot of my Sausage-Fest work. There will be refreshments and (if my package comes in on time), I’ll be giving away free buttons. This is your only chance, my friends, before I inflate the price and charge you all up the ass for Sausage-Fest buttons! SCROOGE MCDUCK!

Copyright © 2024 Phillip Retuta