Jul 04
Swords is a stupid, drunk frat-boy-esque game. I admit, I played it once, and since then I’ve had penis envy — which, by the way, is one of the 7 deadly sins.
Jul 04
Making made-up drinks is fun, and the raunchier and the more inappropriate it is, the more fun you’ll have.
May 04
It’s sad that no one really got the
“Felicity’s Way” joke. Oh well.
Of the comics I spoofed (if you haven’t noticed already): “Dilbert”, “Peanuts”, “Love Is..”, and “The Boondocks.” And is it me, or did they pull “The Boondocks” out of the Chicago Tribune?
May 04
I never did reach any of these milestones. In fact, I died three days before turning 21. Shot by the mafia.
Apr 04
I never could understand how “Heart” can be special power. Then again, I never could understand Captain Planet’s mullet.
Apr 04
Once you think about it, making people happy by shining a tummy-ray on them isn’t exactly a great superpower…
Mar 04
Another interlude to the
Rules of Attraction storyline. It is also the first appearance of John Wilkes Embryo, a very popular (albeit contraversial) character.
Dec 03
End of the semester cliffhanger: I pretend to kill off all my characters. And there’s nothing better to say Happy Holidays than by exploding people.
Dec 03
The squirrel, Booker T, is the comic character from Matt Yurkanin’s