Sep 05
Every year, the Greek system here at Illinois produce some catchy slogan to promote and encourage young, hapless freshmen into joining a fraternity or sorority. This year’s 2005 Fall Rush slogan was “Great Women Go Greek.”
In case you didn’t know, the “Purple Monkey Dishwasher” is a Simpsons’ quote.
Special thanks go out to the Greeks who helped me out on this one!
Sep 05
So my friend and fellow cartoonist Pat Doran showed this comic to two sorority girls in his class.They were not amused. Pat started laughing uncontrollably.
Sep 05
You know, after publishing this comic, the number of people wearing those rubber bracelets has dwindled. I’d like to think I played a role in their decline…
Aug 05
This was published on the first Friday before the 2005 Fall Semester began, and I can assure you all the incoming students went out and partied that night.Oh freshmen…
Artistically speaking, I enjoyed drawing the leaves’ shadows on Nigel and Randy.
May 05
Car beats squirrel.
Toilet beats toilet paper.
Fetal Alcohol Syndrom beats fetus.
Factory hot dog processing machine beats raccoon.
Rock beats scissors.
But nothing beats banana!
Any reincarnation of ZCC will have the trademark hair curl.
Apr 05
I once had a roommate who smoked weed almost everyday, and I could tell he was lighting up from the smell emanating from his bedroom. He is perhaps one of the most sensible and responsible people I have ever met.
On the day of April 20th, a lot of people’s away messages advocated the ganja. Dang hippies, then again it’s college…
Oct 04
Dressing my characters in Halloween costumes is a yearly tradition.
Oct 04
Start of a week of Halloween-themed comics.