Jul 07



Part 4 of the “Occupational Hazards” Story Arc.


Being poor sucks, but what’s more blowful is having really over-protective parents. I remember back in high school, when I’d simply go out to Steak n’ Shake with my friends, my dad would warn me not “to do the ‘X'” (as in “ecstasy”) as he saw the dangers of teen drug abuse on 20/20. Furthermore, back in my younger, fashion-forward college freshman days, I’d wear a sweat-wristband, in which my dad warned, “kids wear those things to say, ‘Hey, I’m available for sex’!” Or so says Barbara Walters.

Jul 07

Fatty Fat Fat Fat.


Part 3 of the “Occupational Hazards” Story Arc.


A little bit more information on Lizzy’s personal life. Actually, it’s been quite some time since Chris’ unattainable love interest made an appearance in the comic. As for Jared’s cameo, doesn’t he look rubber-faced even after losing all that weight?

One more thing: for all you web-savvy people out there, there is an RSS feed for the comic. You can either find it on the menu to the left or simply click here.

Jul 07

Head On.


Part 2 of the “Occupational Hazards” Story Arc.


Personally, I find those Head On commercials to be pretty goddamn annoying, but I find their advertising strategy to be effective. It’s like hypnotism, except without the act like a chicken part.In addition, the first panel includes a lot of references to past comics: Aaron’s bong as a decorative flower vase and the Xbox 360.

Also, if you haven’t noticed, I started using a different font for the comic’s text; “Comic Sans” was just getting stale. Anyhoo, I’d like to thank the good people at DaFont for providing the new font.

Jul 07

Occupational Hazards.


Part 1 of the “Occupational Hazards” Story Arc.


Yes, I am going to draw comics full-time again now that I no longer have to worry about school (although finding a real, professional job may take some importance — but not really). As such, this entire storyline revolves around the search, the discovery, and the trials of working. The arc will tie up some loose ends from other arcs, create new plot threads, bring back some old characters, and introduce new ones. I have a lot in store for this comic, so be prepared… or afraid…. well, whatever emotion comes naturally to you.

And Happy Birthday to TWLSB Friend, Tom and fellow cartoonist, Marty. May old age bring wisdom and happiness to your remaining years.

Jul 07

Tim Is 24, I Guess…

It’s my friend Tim’s birthday, so I decided to draw a comic with him in it. There are a lot of inside jokes (engineering stuff, Little Tim’s short stature, etc), so I don’t expect everyone to find this comic drop-on-the-floor-LOL funny.

And don’t think for a second that I’m only drawing comics for friends’ birthdays — I’ll call you ignorant. It may seem that lately I’ve been drawing comics for special events, but COME NEXT MONDAY, I’m starting a new storyline. Furthermore, since I’m all gradu-amated, I’ll be churning out FIVE comics a week. You heard right, deaf-o! FIVE COMICS A WEEK.

…of course, that is until I find a job.

Apr 07

A Blind Date’s Shortcomings.

T.O.E. is a caricature of my friend Lil’ Tim — an electrical engineering grad student from Memphis (hence the slight Southern accent) who’s into death metal and is (surprisingly) pretty short. It’s his birthday today, and I promised him that I’d finally draw a comic.

Love it, like it.

Mar 07

Facebook and Term Papers.

First of all, I’ve decided to place Photoshopped backgrounds in the comics again. It’s a lot easier (albeit tedious) than drawing out the backgrounds, and they appear a bit snazzier.Now, there’s one thing I have noticed every time I enter a computer lab: nearly everyone is looking at Facebook. I know from experience that it sucks to go to a full computer lab to print out a paper and have to wait for someone to get off a computer. However, what is more blowfully suckilicious is that about 75% of the people using the computers are looking at either Facebook or MySpace. Yes, I see you browsing Tammy’s picture album entitled “UnOfFiciAL 2007!” Yes, I see you messaging David asking how Saturday’s party went. But seriously people, some of us need to use the computers for more important things like papers and scat porn.

Feb 07

Once You Pop…

You know, I had always found that Pringles were addictive — hence its slogan, “Once You Pop, You Can’t Stop.” Honestly, it’s crack in the form of tasty potato crisps.

Feb 07

Like Lemmings.

So the University is getting rid of its mascot, Chief Illinwek. It’s not like I care or anything, but it’s a good way to photoshop a lot of the U of I Whores into a rather quick comic. By Friday (I’ll be done with most of my tests and papers) I should have some better quality comics.

Feb 07

Helen Keller.

I’m pretty swamped with midterms and papers, so I apologize for lackluster comics these next few days. And Happy Birthday, Todd Borrowman — you’ve attained fame in the comics.

Copyright © 2024 Phillip Retuta