Mar 07

Facebook and Term Papers.

First of all, I’ve decided to place Photoshopped backgrounds in the comics again. It’s a lot easier (albeit tedious) than drawing out the backgrounds, and they appear a bit snazzier.Now, there’s one thing I have noticed every time I enter a computer lab: nearly everyone is looking at Facebook. I know from experience that it sucks to go to a full computer lab to print out a paper and have to wait for someone to get off a computer. However, what is more blowfully suckilicious is that about 75% of the people using the computers are looking at either Facebook or MySpace. Yes, I see you browsing Tammy’s picture album entitled “UnOfFiciAL 2007!” Yes, I see you messaging David asking how Saturday’s party went. But seriously people, some of us need to use the computers for more important things like papers and scat porn.

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