Apr 04
Anyone else find it incredibly ironic that Caffeinated Tim is telling Aaron that
he has a drug problem? Oh, the layers of comedy!
Apr 04
Seriously, what is it with college kids, beer, and pizza? And we wonder why overweight people is a problem in America.
Apr 04
Caroline wanted to do a comic for me, which meant taking the day before’s comic and rewording it. And yes, the last panel is a
Super Troopers quote.
Apr 04
On the night of my 21st birthday party, my friends Jeffro and ZCC said they’ll help clean up my apartment. They did not.
Apr 04
That weekend, my friends celebrated my 21st birthday. You know how it goes… ya get lazy.
Apr 04
I never could understand how “Heart” can be special power. Then again, I never could understand Captain Planet’s mullet.
Apr 04
This comic is one of many that shows Jen working at a coffee shop. I suppose, being the level-headed of all the characters, it’s not unusual for her to have a normal job. Oh, and frat boys really do snort coke.
Apr 04
Parking in Urbana-Champaign, particularly within campus limits, is not only hard to find, but the parking police are real assmunches. They’ll ticket you if you’re a minute late, and the police amount over a million dollars a year in parking tickets. Pays for their donuts, I guess.
Apr 04
Moms’ Weekend is a yearly event where students’ mothers come down to campus and (for the most part) get drunk with their kids. Alcohol bridges the great age divide…
Apr 04
People don’t think about it, but after graduation is scary. This comic serves as a reminder, as well as stuff this comic with as many characters as possible.